Taxi Nice Airport to Cannes : How much does it cost?
- Avr 26th. 2012
- Paradmin
How much does it cost for a taxi from Nice Airport to Cannes or from Cannes to Nice Airport?
Combien coûte un Taxi de Nice Aéroport à Cannes?
If you take a taxi from Cannes, your price is depending on traffic and luggages!
The usual price is around 80/85€ but it can be much more!
If you take a car with driver you can pay between 75 /195€ depending on the service you want!
The higher prices are often proposed by Cannes Hotels 5 * concierges who are taking commissions!
Have no surprise and emeil us to find the best service and the best price for your transfer from Nice Airport to Cannes or from Cannes to Nice AIrport!